If you are using your main url or a domain that you previously pointed elsewhere, you will want to EDIT the A record.  

Examples of a main url:

myphotography.com  or sallysweddings.com

If you do not want to point your entire domain to StickyFolios then you would want to create a new sub-domain (weddings.myphotography.com) - Creating A Subdomain A Record

Step 1 - Edit the A Record: (see below for specific providers)

  • Log in to your Domain Services Provider
  • Select Edit your DNS Settings
  • Change the A Record to point to our IP
  • The IP to use is:

Step 2- Update your Domain in the StickyFolios Builder:

  • Log in to your Account
  • Go to Account -- Your Domains
  • Select the Add Custom Domain box next to Custom Domains
Enter your domain on the line in section two. You do not need to add http:// or www
Click the Green Add Domain Button
Note: the builder will check to make sure the domain is set up. If the domain is not set up correctly the system will not let you update and add the URL.
Once added there will be a grey circle with a check indicating the DNS is working.  SSL is added automatically, and usualy updates within the next 3-5 hours.  Once updated you will see a lock next to the URL.
An triangle indicates there is an issue. Domain updates can take up to 48 hours to go through name servers. If it has been longer than this, and your domain still shows the error, please check with your domain provider to make sure things were set up correctly

Note: Each host has different requirements for the domain setup.  We have a list of the most common providers below.

If you have questions, please ask your DNS provider how to edit the A record for your domain.  If creating a subdomain, ask how to create an A record subdomain.

Step 2: Update your Domain in the StickyFolios Builder

Step 3: Add the Domain to your Folio you can read more about customizing your domain with Paths  


Directions for specific web hosts:

Note: some directions will show IP addresses as part of their sample. DO NOT USE those IP addresses.

If you are not sure how to update your domain,  email your domain provider and ask them how to edit the A Record and point it to our domain.

Hover Instructions: 


GoDaddy Instructions: 


Bluehost Instructions:  


Note for Bluehost: you cannot change these records if you are not hosting with them.

1:1 Instructions:


Dreamhost Instructions:


PhotoBiz Websites:

If you host your DNS with PhotoBiz, just give them a call or send in a ticket and let their support team know what the address needs to be (for example, app.yourwebsite.com) and where it needs to be pointed ( )